
A Man’s Life Journey

Newsflash – 3 Ways A Woman Can Save A Man’s Life! I’ve written a lot about what women want from men, to help men understand what makes a strong foundation of an Extraordinary Relationship: what only you as a man can bring to the table and what women are crying out for. Now, becoming aware…


Reconnect with Your Spouse

The Easy (And Cheap) Way To Save Your Marriage One of the biggest killers of a great relationship is something called “Emotional Distance”. I know, it sounds like a very pop psychology phrase, so let me break it down for you: You know those couples who seem to work so well together and never fight?…


To Heal and Let Go

To Heal and Let Go Each one of us carry a lot of baggage. This baggage are emotional scars we received when we were very young. Most of the time we go through life not even knowing the baggage we carry. The baggage becomes who we are, and develops as our own self-identity. In some…